What Type Of Alimony Will I Get?

What Type Of Alimony Will I Get?

Once the court has reached the conclusion that an award of alimony is necessary, it must then determine what type of alimony is most appropriate. To make this determination, the court will consider several factors that are listed in §61.08(2), Florida Statutes, which includes: the standard of living established during the marriage;duration of the marriage;the age of the parties and…
Will I Get Alimony?

Will I Get Alimony?

In a Florida divorce action, either spouse may be ordered to provide financial support (i.e. alimony or spousal support) to the other spouse after the marriage has been dissolved. Under some circumstances, a spouse may even be ordered to begin paying temporary alimony before a divorce has been finalized. Generally speaking, the purpose of alimony is to enable a newly…
Contested versus Uncontested Divorce

Contested versus Uncontested Divorce

A divorce is considered uncontested when spouses agree to all of the terms of the divorce and those terms are memorialized in a signed, written contract called a Marital Settlement Agreement. Generally, the terms of the agreement will address alimony and the division of marital assets and liabilities. If the parties share a dependent child, the agreement will address any…